Consultancy is the most common working form, especially when we start a collaboration with a new client.
We believe this is a method through which we can demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach model regarding the digitization of a business process. The client selects a process and, together with us and the involved team, sets an improvement goal.
Together, we explore the current process, envision how it should look in the future, identify activities that can be taken over by a digital solution, and prepare the investment rationale so that we can track the benefits created by the process redesign.
coordination of teams of consultants, ready to take on any project
business consultants with diverse technological expertise are at your disposal
business verticals ready to approach the project from multiple perspectives of digital transformation.
man/days process analysis for free at your first request
Taking on the project
A single meeting with the client's process team is sufficient to understand the challenge.
Identifying the solution
Within a maximum of two days of analysis, we will return with the most suitable solution for the process transformation.
Consolidating the investment
We calculate the benefits generated by the process transformation through digitization.
Delivering the results
We bring a project plan that ensures the project is delivered on time, within the budget, and with the assumed quality.
Your project step by step
1. Clear theme
De la prima discuție vom face în așa fel încât tema proiectului să fie clară - Matrice SOW
3. Solutions
Una sau mai multe soluții pot fi implementate. Angajamentul Sostenia este optimizarea.
5. Planning
Orice intenție bună fără un plan concret riscă să rămână doar o intenție.
2. Objective
Tema trebuie să aibă obiective clare, măsurabile și asumate de echipa de proiect.
4. Justification
Daca transformarea procesului are un cost, cu siguranță are și un beneficiu. Care este acesta?
6. Delivery
La data stabilită și, mai mult, în bugetul de resurse alocat.
Do you have a project you want us to take over?
Let's discuss! You have nothing to lose, but there might be significant opportunities.